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  • Writer's pictureHelena Pufulete

One Week Before Moving

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Your final week will be filled with packing, rushing and trying to arrange the last of your address changes. Your bank, credit card, mobile phone and utilities should all know that you're moving and on which date you're transferring to that address – so all that remains now is to make sure that you have new utilities in your new house and that they have a definite date for beginning.

Your final week will be filled with packing, rushing and trying to arrange the last of your address changes. Your bank, credit card, mobile phone and utilities should all know that you're moving and on which date you're transferring to that address – so all that remains now is to make sure that you have new utilities in your new house and that they have a definite date for beginning.

The last week of packing is everything you have left – with an eye to ensuring that you'll be able to live out of as few boxes as possible and seal the rest. By now, you'll probably find that you've got a lot of boxes stacked in several rooms and will be sick of the whole moving process. But in just over a week you'll be in your new home, unpacking.

Your appliances should be checked and cleaned with seven days to go – you should possibly consider not buying frozen goods at all over the next week, unless you're sure that they won't defrost during the move. Wastage is easily avoided and you can use up all of the items in your freezer without needing to buy more. You may also want to start making a list of any items you'll need when you move to your new house – anything you've ran out of or will use before the move, so that you can buy more once you're in your new house.

You should also consider, if possible, cleaning any rooms you're not going to use much. Give them a through scrubbing – it will save you having to do it (or hire someone to do it) on the last few days before your move.

You should also order any items notifying people of your new address now – giving them plenty of time to reach you – or plenty of time to be printed and collected.

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