Helena Pufulete

May 21, 20202 min

A Final Checklist

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Prior to your moving date, you should go through the following checklist and ensure you've taken care of everything on it.

Consider the following:-

  • Have you arranged new utilities for your new house?

  • Have you taken final meter readings and phoned them in – or will phone them in on the first day the utilities are open?

  • Have you informed your bank, mobile phone and any other companies who regularly bill you at your old address of your new address?

  • Do you regularly contract a gardener, milk delivery, maid service or other third party service that you need to cancel?

  • Have you arranged a mail redirect?

  • Have you turned off the gas, water and electricity, if asked?

  • Have you stopped all utilities, and informed any tax or local authorities of your move so that they can adjust your final bill and have it forwarded to your house?

  • Is everything packed, removed, binned or accounted for?

  • If you are leaving furniture, have you checked that there's nothing in, underneath, behind or on top of it?

  • Have you fulfilled any items that will ensure the return of your deposit (if you had one?)

  • Is everything packed and clearly marked?

  • Have you paid, or do you have the means to pay for your new house, if required?

  • Have you clearly explained, or marked out any repairs required within your old house?

  • Have you left any manuals that you don't need, for appliances or items you're leaving behind?

  • Have you transferred things like your driver's license, visa, passport or work permit to your new address?

Once you've ensured you've taken care of everything, you can move on to your new house knowing that you're able to continue your life without fear of disruption, identity theft or needing to contact the new occupants of the house with your problems. You'll also be able to relax and enjoy the move itself.

For more helpful guides and useful information, please visit our website www.quicklyconvey.co.uk

If you are looking for a Solicitor to handle any of your property matters, please contact us on 020 3963 7310 or email us on info@quicklyconvey.co.uk

Please note that these guides are for informational purposes only, and do not constitute legal advice.

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